REG 21
Pressure regulator
The differential pressure regulator should be installed in a control panel. It is designed to display and control the differential pressure of non aggressive gases. In addition to overload protection an automatic zero set function is available. Limiting, time constants and hysteresis can adjusted by keyboard. 2 or 3 switching point regulation can be realized. If the in-feed pressure is to high the pressure inlet is shortened by a valve so the pressure canister is protected against overload. Easy and accurate reading is possible be a 4-digit LE- display.
The 4-digit LE- display can also announce in addition to Pa and kPa in mmWs, inch H2O, etc.
Measuring ranges: 0 - 50 Pa to 0 - 100 kPa Linearity: ± 1 %, optional ± 0.5 % Output signals: 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA Supply voltages: 230 VAC, 24 VAC, 24 VDC Medium: air, all non-aggressive gases Further information available on request | |